21 april 2020Gezondheid
The Teddy and JD Podcast

Jason Dourisseau speelt al 10 seizoenen bij Donar. De Amerikaanse Nederlander Groninger steelt de harten van de Groninger basketballiefhebbers.
Zijn inzet en bescheidenheid sieren hem. Dourisseau is niet weg te denken als stabiele sterkhouder achter de successen van Donar.
De club werd met Jason Dourisseau in de gelederen vijf keer landskampioen, won vier keer de nationale beker en ging twee keer met de Supercup aan de haal. Dit basketbalseizoen kwam helaas te vroeg ten einde..
Hello everybody, Jason Dourisseau here. Corona has definitely changed our lives. The week before the virus hit, I was still practicing with Donar everyday preparing to play Leeuwarden in the Dutch Basketball League. My American teammates were still here, and it was business as usual. Now, the season is cancelled, and I havent left my house for the past 2 and a half weeks.
I spoke about the situation a little bit in a podcast I do with Teddy Gipson, The Teddy and JD Podcast. I’ve only left to go for a walk with my family, or take a drive. We even have our groceries delivered now. I recently purchased a exercise bike to try and stay in decent shape while we are quarantined. My wife and I keep a schedule everyday revolving around our kids. We try to make sure our daughter does some educational things in the morning between breakfast and lunch. We usually spend the afternoons outside. For everybody out there, stay safe, stay home, and stay strong!
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